Thursday, October 6, 2011

Nothing Less

Not enough, falling short, not good enough, perfection, will I ever get to the place that God wants me to get? Will I keep falling short of the mark? Is my life all that God plans for it to be? Can I say truthfully that I have given my all and left nothing out? I remember my favorite scene from the movie Facing The Giants is where the coach is asking Brock one of the players to do the death crawl blindfolded Brock thinks that he can go a full fifty yards but when he gives his all blindfolded he go's the full 100 yards, sometimes I think that there is more inside me then I have been given that some how although I have been trying to do my best somehow I am still not giving my all.
Nothing less then what God is asking from me. Nothing less then all of my time. Nothing less then all of my love. Nothing less then all of my energy. Nothing less then what is right. nothing less then perfection. Nothing less then my all!! I may fail sometimes but my goal is still...
Nothing more, Nothing Less