Since I mooved down here it seems that it is hard to trust God with my finances. I think it might be because I am afraid that I would not be able to pay my bills, if I pay my tithe. God has been vary good to me and has always givin my enough, more then enough but yet I worry that I won't have enough to pay my bills. Part of it is that my job varys in how many hours I get in a month so that I am not sure on how much income I will have for the next month. Yesterday I found out that the pastor for the little church across the road from me is leaving. I am glad for him but I am sad for me, he has been a good friend and somone to talk with about the things of God. i fould out that he was leaving when another person from the church stoped in to buy some honey and told me that he was going to take over the pastorship. he also offered for me to use his tractor this winter to plow my drive and that they had just butchered a cow and could I use any meat? God is so faithful and I will trust Him with His money!
Hallelujah and Amen! :)
Good for you, farmer Caleb! We can relate to the blessing of God's provision--not just handing it down to us unthinkingly, but in a true relationship wtih us, He provides with a thoughtful, loving hand. He gives us reminders of His loving care just when we need them most!
We love and miss you SO much!
VERY much looking forward to your trip out here!
Thanks Kie,
That is really what I've been working on too with my life.
God is in control of everything!
Love you bro!
hi! Our family met you and your sisters at sunday evening service this past summer.
Thanx for the post- what a blessing!
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