It has been a few days since I last wrote. It has been difficult to find the time I am so busy down here. I honestly don't know where to begin. We have been in many places out in the countryside from a blueberry farm then to a hog farm, another cheese plant, and two more dairy farms. We also got to stay one night in some cabins on the lake shore that was really nice. I got up early and ran on the beach it was vary nice. It has been a long and very good week!
Today was another awesome and busy day. First we went and saw slaughter house that was amazing(we were not allowed to take pic's in the plant itself so the only one from there is the one of Ever in his white suit) then we went to a restaurant and ate. The food wasn't as good as some of the other food we have had, but then again we have been really spoiled. Then we went and saw this rural school with some really cute kids it was a lot of fun. After that we went and saw a dairy farm that milked 100 cows I was not impressed. the sunset was nice though.
I had a lot of fun yesterday. first we went to this horse auction with some really high end horses (the cheap ones went for ten thousand dollars.) Then we went over to Ricardo's country house. And took a walk through their fields that they are putting in a quince orchard. then we walked through some of the neighborhood with him and his daughter. it was so peaceful and quiet it was awesome when we got back we sat around an chatted till 930 it was a great day.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Today we went in the morning to see a vineyard/winery. after that we went and saw a meat processing plant where they manly made sausage (sorry no pics of that part) Then we went down the road just a little way and saw a hydroponic greenhouse it was fascinating.
My goal in life is to give my all for God. Not holding anything back but giving him all the glory. This blog is to track my journey as I reach for my goal. There will be times when I get off track, and others when everything is falling in place. so join me as I leave myself nothing, and God everything!