Often I ask myself if I am really doing all that I can to glorify God. more often I should be asking myself if I am using my whole heart for God. It is so easy to allow myslf to lapse into thinking that this world is all that really need to be conserned with, and then not put God as my number one proirty. The things of this world seem so big and the things of God so vary small in importance. The world pushes for all of my attation and it seems that the things of God are so easily out of focus. today I heard again the song called "The motions" by Mathew west. It is so easy to fall back into just going through those motions and letting nothing really come from my heart. My crazy work sceduale has made it very difficult because I cannot have my prayer time at the same time everyday, also I tend to be exhosted so that the time I do spend in prayer is many times only half awake. Which is just about as good as not having one at all. am I really giving my all? Am I putting my best out for God? I was talking to a friend the other day about the first and greatest comand which is to love the lord your god with all your heart withall your soul and with all of your mind. She was saying that it dosn't make sense to love God with all of your heart because your heart dosn't have any emotions. which is true. The issue is not which orgen of your bady that you are to love with but with all of of our emotions, with all our thoughts and with all of our physical effert! But I have been falling sadly short of loving him with all that I am. help me f ather to love you completly with everything that I am