Saturday, December 31, 2011

My all for Him

All of me for All of Him
What am I willing to give up for God? What do I trust God with? Do I trust Him in my finances? Do I trust Him in my love life? Do I trust God with my job? Do I trust God with my time? Everything that I hold back and don’t fully trust or give into God’s way in my life is what I am not putting my all into. God did not ask for just some of us that is why Jesus said for people to count the cost and because it will cost everything! Am I willing to give up everything that I hold dear? What about my job? Am I willing to give that up? How about my image or what kind of person that others think that am? Am I willing to give that to God? And trust that God has a bigger purpose and something better then to have people see me as I think they should? Is my God that big? Am I willing to give Him what I hold most dear? How about my fiancĂ©e am I willing to let go of her if that was God’s will? God wants to be first and foremost in my life he is a jealous God that wants to be the number one in my life without competition! He wants me to hold what I hold the closest in an open hand that is willing to give it all up for Him. Do I see God as worth that? Would I be willing to give what I hold most dear in trade for him? What about my mind would I say that for Christ I would give my sanity? We all have a sellout price what is mine? What would I trade my God for?
My All For Him!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Nothing Else

God asks us for our all not just some but everything that we are and hope to be!

There has been many times in my life that God has closed doors that I thought I was supposed to go through, and there has been many times that he has opened doors and led me in ways that I would have never imagined He would. God is all knowing that means he makes decisions that may not make sense but are based on his knowledge of the future and the very best plan for our lives. Recently I was hoping to get a full time job were I work, but for whatever reason god did not give me favor instead I didn't get the job I wanted. I still do not see why God has done this in my life. It seems absurd and crazy and yet I need to trust that this way His way is the best for my life. I need to surrender my will to his and let nothing else beside His will get in the way.

Not everything is yielding to something that we don't want or that is not going our way. Just a short time ago I would have never dreamed that I would be in a relationship that I am now in! It is not that I did not want it but that I could not see His hand until it was right in front of me God is amazing!

I will let nothing get in the way

I surrender to His will

Nothing else

His will


Nothing More, Nothing Less, Nothing Else

My All For Him

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Nothing Less

Not enough, falling short, not good enough, perfection, will I ever get to the place that God wants me to get? Will I keep falling short of the mark? Is my life all that God plans for it to be? Can I say truthfully that I have given my all and left nothing out? I remember my favorite scene from the movie Facing The Giants is where the coach is asking Brock one of the players to do the death crawl blindfolded Brock thinks that he can go a full fifty yards but when he gives his all blindfolded he go's the full 100 yards, sometimes I think that there is more inside me then I have been given that some how although I have been trying to do my best somehow I am still not giving my all.
Nothing less then what God is asking from me. Nothing less then all of my time. Nothing less then all of my love. Nothing less then all of my energy. Nothing less then what is right. nothing less then perfection. Nothing less then my all!! I may fail sometimes but my goal is still...
Nothing more, Nothing Less

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Nothing More

At first glance it seems to be at odds with the idea of giving my all for God, but it is not
Nothing more then Christ
Nothing more then serving him
Nothing more then His grace
Nothing beyond His will
Nothing more then what he asks
It is easy to go beyond what God asks of me either I think unconsciously that I need to do more for Christ or that I have not done enough, and then I go and try to do things in my own strength which never works. Right now I feel that I do not know why God has put me in this place and why he has not having me do something great for Him. But as I sit here and think about it maybe I am overlooking or underestimating the greatness of the small things he is asking me to do right now. I think that it is so insignificant that I don't even try He has given me so much and I think that what He wants me to do is nothing Wow I am not being faithful in the small things no wonder that He is not giving me something great! Oh wait maybe I am just mixed up and this thing that I feel is small is the big thing I have been waiting for!
Help me father do all things for you and not go beyond you!
Nothing More
Nothing Less
Nothing Else
My All for Him

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


My life is not where I want it. I have not done what I know I could. I cannot seem to achieve that which I know is within my reach. I fear that I am not up for the challenge. I push myself harder and feel like I am just treading water and can't even keep my head up. My life is turning into a whirlwind and I cannot keep up. I forget what is important and remember what doesn't really matter. I know where I want to be, but cannot find my way there. I want to please God but instead I do what my flesh wants. I dream big but cannot reach them. I am years behind on my projects and cannot seem to catch up. So I work harder and get nowhere.
I began to think maybe it is not that I am not where I want to be, but maybe I am where God wants me. Am I looking for God's for what God wants to teach me here? Or am I pushing harder just trying to get where I want to be? Am I looking for security in myself instead of God? Life is difficult but am I making it harder for myself by trying to mold my life into my mold instead of His. Maybe I should be enjoying what God has given me instead of pushing for other things.
This doesn't mean that I should just give up no I still need to give God my all! Am I really giving my all for him? Or have I been giving my all for me.

Am I content with where God wants me?
Will I be satisfied with Him alone?

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I am often reminded to remember the things that I have been blessed with it is easy to lose sight of God's gifts, and His blessings in my life. When I focus on the things that are not going the way I think that they should, life looks sad and depressing. Every moment in my life comes with its own trial or heart ache, many times I feel that God is not around and does not care. When He really is here, and He really does care about every little detail of my life. In fact He cares so much that He gives us not just what we want but more then we could ever dream. But there are times when the best hurts, and when the"more then we could dream of" comes only through pain, and heartache.
I try to remind myself that with growth there is pain, and yet I still ask God why. So many things in my life don't seem for my good. That God doesn't care at all. There is also the other possibility that my messed up life is ordered by God for my own good, and that all in all I am not able to see the beautiful master piece that God is creating of my life. Maybe my life is about to blossom in to what God wants it to be and I just can't see it
I Love the song by Laura Story called Blessings.

We pray for blessings
We pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering
All the while, You hear each spoken need
Yet love us way too much to give us lesser things

Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise

We pray for wisdom
Your voice to hear
And we cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt Your goodness, we doubt Your love
As if every promise from Your Word is not enough
All the while, You hear each desperate plea
And long that we'd have faith to believe

When friends betray us
When darkness seems to win
We know the pain reminds this heart
That this is not, this is not our home

Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
And what if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
What if my greatest disappointments
Or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can’t satisfy
And what if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are Your mercies in disguise

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Giving up

Today I was thinking about the way that I am living my life, and I realized that I have not been putting God first instead I have been trying to control my life and be the captain of my soul. Yes I have added God in and tried to think that he held the rains to my life, and I did let Him run my life to a point. Yet I am trying to constantly run my own life. I am no longer living for God instead I take what God told me to do and push it and try to fit it in to my mold instead of letting him run my life. I think that God wants to run my life but yet I feel if I let him have it all, He will ruin it. The more that I try to manage my life the more I hate the way my life is turning out! God has giving me so much and yet I cannot enjoy it because I don't fully trust him with everything. I worry about this and that and even don't ask God about something's because I don't want his answer or because I don't trust that he has good in store for me. I doubt the one who gave me everything and more. Now I am realizing how foolish I have been and how far my eyes have strayed from the cross. I want to put my priorities back in order and put God first!
God I am giving up take all of me!

1 Sam 12:24
24 Only fear the LORD, and serve him in truth with all your heart: for consider how great things he hath done for you.